
Celebrating a Vegan Beltane!

Beltane is celebrated on April 30th and May 1st, halfway between Ostara (the Spring Equinox) and Litha (the Summer Solstice). It is a fertility festival and the promise of spring that we celebrated at Ostara is now fulfilled. Flowers, bright colors, Maypoles, planting for the summer, great food and bonfires are all lovely ways to …

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Make a Miniature Maypole for Beltane!

Tomorrow is Beltane, and my mom and I made a miniature Maypole for our altar. It turned out really well, and was simple, inexpensive, and fun to make! (We listened to my Beltane music playlist while we worked, and I added it at the end of this post so you can listen too!) We started …

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Coloring Vegan Craft Eggs

Coloring Ostara or Easter eggs is still possible when you are vegan if you buy craft eggs! I found these at my local Meijer and Walmart stores: The ones from Meijer were $3.99 and did not come with any coloring. The ones from Walmart were only $1.98 and came with four coloring packets. I wasn’t …

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Imbolc 2018

My mom and I had a wonderful Imbolc celebration! We did some crafting, made lots of delicious food, and planted some seeds to get a head start on our garden this year! We started out by planning what we would do and eat. (Click on the link to see my post on preparing for Imbolc.) …

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Making a Bridget Doll for Imbolc

My mom made a Bridget doll for our Imbolc celebrations, and I think she turned out great! My mom started by reading a book on making rag dolls, then drew her own patterns and colored in Bridget’s face with colored pencils. The patterns were traced onto the top layer of a folded piece of fabric:

Preparing for Imbolc

Imbolc is coming up very soon! For those of you who are not familiar with this celebration, it is the second of the eight Sabbats on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year: Imbolc has several possible pronunciations (see the videos below) and means either “in the belly” or “ewe’s milk”. This is because sheep were …

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Celebrating Yule 2017

We began preparing for Yule at the end of November, and made lots of crafts and great food! I have been blogging about everything as we went along and you can see all that we did and ate in the following posts: Preparing for Our Yule Countdown (Making a Yule Log) Our nightly candle lighting …

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